Please extend the supported SQL functions in both the data model & analysis model. Some important functions that are missing:
LEN -> counts number of characters in a text
CHARINDEX -> returns the position of a character in a string
PATINDEX -> returns the position of a pattern in a string
LEAD -> access to successor rows based on the offset argument
LAG -> access to previous rows based on the offset argument
ROW_NUMBER -> adds a sequence number within a grouping
DATEDIFF -> returns the difference between two date values
WEEK -> returns the week number for a date
WEEKDAY -> returns the weekday number for a date
QUARTER -> return the quarter of the year for the date
REGEXP_LIKE -> match the input string with the regular expression pattern (true or false)
REGEXP_REPLACE -> replace the string matching a regular expression pattern
REGEXP_SUBSTR -> extract a substring from a string that matches a regular expression pattern
Hi, Please could it be possible to Add_weeks, Add_Month... and also working_weeks,Working_Months ?
Shocking that a basic function like LEN() has been missing. Whoever designed the SQL engine here, should maybe try real-world uses of SQL.