How can we make ARIS Process Mining better?

Whitelisting of conformance issues

Currently available confromance check is helpful yet very limited. For the conformance issue types which are anyway directly marked and displayed, we would like to have the option to whitelist them. This feature should be available directly next to the displayed confirmance issue.

  • Aleksandra Piasecka
  • Apr 12 2022
  • Open for voting
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Julian Krumeich commented
    September 02, 2022 09:51

    Both options have their use case (e.g. depending on app View or Edit mode - handle the different use cases)

  • Admin
    Julian Krumeich commented
    May 02, 2022 12:33

    Thank you for submitting this idea. Can you provide some additional details on your preference and shaping of the use case, i.e. should the whitelisting be specific to a particular user or apply generally to all analyses/users performed based on the underlying data?