How can we make ARIS Process Mining better?

Component(s) for process flow selection (throughput time - AVG, median, distribution; ratio; count; occurrence distribution)

For any process mining analysis, a process flow component is a basic need. The fundamental requirement is to select the activities (start & end) directly in the FE (dashboard), being able to change them, having in-memory recalculations. We see following as elementary options for the chart:

  • throughput time between the activities (incl. options first/last) as AVG, Median, Min, Max + distribution (buckets and # cases belonging to a given bucket)

  • number & ratio of cases matching the selected process flow

  • Aleksandra Piasecka
  • Apr 11 2022
  • Open for voting
  • Attach files
  • Aleksandra Piasecka commented
    November 28, 2022 16:19

    Hello, we have reviewed what has been implemented within August release. Although it is now possible to do the process related selection, it is a cumbersome process. Therefore, we are insisting on implementation of this idea. Dedicated drag&drop components for process analysis would be of a great value.