How can we make ARIS Process Mining better?
URL stays the same even after analysis/project name change (e.g. Analysis might be called 'TPT for ABC', but the URL will still show 'test'. This causes confusions.
Originally named e.g. DEV, when then changed to PROD this may confuse users.
Hashing the name completely would also solve the issue.
The URL is only an internal identifier - we may want to transform current names into non-readable identifier in the future.
Which use case do you have in mind using names in URLs?
You won't be notified about changes to this idea.
Originally named e.g. DEV, when then changed to PROD this may confuse users.
Hashing the name completely would also solve the issue.
The URL is only an internal identifier - we may want to transform current names into non-readable identifier in the future.
Which use case do you have in mind using names in URLs?