How can we make ARIS Process Mining better?

User & Rights Management

Use & edit rights must be granted on the project, not dataset level. Currently this is not supported. Required is also object-oriented user management (e.g. only specific company codes etc.)

  • Aleksandra Piasecka
  • Mar 17 2022
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  • Admin
    Julian Krumeich commented
    November 24, 2022 14:48

    Considered importance by requestor:

      1. PM Project privileges | currently there is no option to assign project level privileges

      2. PM Analysis privileges | currently there is no option to assign privileges on the single analysis level

      3. More fine-grained functional privileges | currently access to certain modules cannot be restricted

      4. Data-level privileges | option to configure user/group privileges on data scope, e.g. region, time frame etc.

    -- the following requirements are less important --

      1. DB/data set privileges | currently the database privileges in ARIS user management do not apply to process mining, but datasets need to be assigned view/edit rights within process mining data collection.

      2. Analyst role without data model edit rights | from the analyst role

      3. Separation of deletion & edit rights | Separate the deletion rights from standard edit rights, and grant it only to the “Engineer“ role

      4. Conformance check | should be configured from within PM without manual “export” from BPA → simplifying roles as well.

      5. User rights simulation | To test the assigned privileges, it would be beneficial to have a simulation available for an admin user through which he can simulate the access

      6. Validity of the privileges | Add the “valid from“ and “valid to“ conditions to each user/user group